6 Top Factors that affect Credit Scores Negatively
There are many perks to having a good credit score. It lets you negotiate more effectively with lenders and gain their favor to get your desired loan. Your interest rate may even be lower. In contrast, a poor credit rating makes your loan application more likely to get rejected. Even if it’s approved, you could end up with high-interest rates. That’s why it’s crucial to deal with a low score and seek the right credit solutions to remedy the problem as soon as possible. It’s also worth knowing what factors can negatively impact your credit score, so you can do something about them or try to avoid them. Here are six: 1. A history of late or missed payments A history of irresponsible credit repayments shows your inability to pay loans and deal with your debt. Credit scores damaged by late or missed payments can take years to repair. 2. Using much of your credit limit The ideal credit utilization ratio is 30 percent o...